Join us for one of our services
10AM on Sundays
Livestream and in person
Includes Kingsway Kids program
4PM on Sundays
In person only
Welcome to Sundays at Kingsway Church
Join us for one of our services
10AM on Sundays
Livestream and in person
Includes Kingsway Kids program
4PM on Sundays
In person only
Church family news
General news
Supporting the work of the gospel
Thank you for supporting the work of the gospel at Kingsway. Partner with us through financial giving as Kingsway serves God's church and community. If you'd like to give as a one-off or to set up regular giving, details can be found in
Please remember to mark your giving as KING or KINGSWAY.
Sermon - outline
The Church’s New Identity
Acts 11:1-30
God’s church enjoys its unity with each other, and celebrates its new identity in the gospel as it:
1) Praises God for the equal offer of the gospel
2) Encourages each other to remain true to God
Become part of the Kingsway Community
We hope you'll enjoy joining our community! Though Kingsway congregates in Sydney's East, we meet regularly all over Sydney. There are so many different ways to get involved, whether you're a student, a young worker, or a family.
Life groups
Life Groups are the heartbeat of community life in our church. We meet together in smaller groups in the middle of the week to share a meal, pray, study the Bible and share our lives with one another. Life groups meet both online and in person all over Sydney, so we hope you'll find one that's near to you.
Interested to join? Fill out the form at and one of our leaders will be in touch with you.
Are you new to Christianity? Curious to ask some of life's big questions? Kingsway regularly hosts Explore which is all about asking life's big questions, learning about Christianity, and considering the claims of Jesus and what that means for us today. We run the program regularly in small groups over zoom, or in 1-to-1 chats with someone in the team.
Fill out the form at and one of our team will get in touch with you to organise the next steps.
Are you new to Kingsway? Or a regular looking to deepen friendships with other Kingswayers? Connect is a Kingsway Church initiative to help us connect and reconnect in new ways. Once a quarter, you'll get paired up with two other Kingswayers to catch up with them.
Whether it's over a coffee ☕, going for a walk 🚶, playing some tennis 🎾, or even fishing together 🎣. Whatever you do, we hope it helps you get to know each other, share life, and encourage one another! Fill out the form at to get involved or email to ask any questions.
Mainly Music
Mainly Music is a fun music group for babies, toddlers, pre-schoolers, parents and primary caregivers alike. Each session helps children develop gross and fine motor skills, language, imagination, mathematical and pre-reading skills as well as socialise with others. Children are introduced to music, creativity and more!
Kingsford Mainly Music meets at Kingsway Church. For more details email us at or follow us on instagram.
The Mainly Music always welcomes more volunteers. If you're available on Tuesdays 10am-12pm during School Terms, please contact Leon to become a part of this exciting ministry.
Oneway is the Youth Group of Kingsway and is open to High School Students (year 7-12). We meet every Sunday in Kensington at 8:00am. We use this time to dive into God's word to see what it is he wants us to learn, and to also think about how that will impact our lives, we praise God and encourage each other through song and we spend time praying for each other as well.
If you would like to join us, then reach out to us and we will provide you with the details.
Have a question or a prayer point?
Fill out the form at to send your questions, comments, or prayer points. If appropriate and time permitting, we'll answer some questions during the service.