Supporting Kingsway

Giving for the church can be done by:


1. Direct deposit

Most people give by arranging direct deposits from their bank account.  This is our preferred method of giving.


Please ensure to enter the bank details below accurately and if you have any questions or need a confirmation of receipt, please reach out to

a) To give for general ministry such as pastoral care, bible teaching & fellowship, mission & evangelism, training and maintenance


Account Name: Indonesian Presbyterian Church

BSB: 032 007 (Westpac Bank)

Account: 273489


Please mark your giving as KING in the description. You may also add additional references  such as: Tithes, Mission or Building.

b) To give for the development of our Ministry Spaces


Account Name: Indonesian Presbyterian Church [Building Fund]

BSB: 032 007 (Westpac Bank)

Account: 258502


Register your giving and your intention to continue giving by completing the form in

For all giving, please mark your giving as KING in the description.

2. Cash or cheque

Cash or cheque giving can be made directly or through envelopes into the offertory box that is available in the church after Sunday services.


Cheques should be made out to Indonesian Presbyterian Church.


For giving through envelope, please mark your giving as KING. You may put a reference such as: Tithes, Mission or Building.